Monday, October 27, 2008

Can you relate to this common midsize business IT infrastructure?

“We knew we needed to upgrade out messaging infrastructure, our server operating system, our connectivity, and our remote services.”
Tom Goddard, Director of Information Technology, Lee Company

Different Components:
●Email Servers
●Exchange 2000, 2003, 2007
●SMTP Servers
●Name Servers
●AD 2000, 2003, 2008
●ISA 2003, 2006
●Cisco PIX, Sonicwall
●OS, Print & Share
●Windows Server® 2000, 2003, 2008

Today’s Challenge
●Rolling out Microsoft Dynamics CRM or ERP to your organization requires modifications to your existing infrastructure
●Existing environment has different versions of IT component prerequisites
●Achieving interoperability between new IT components require integration and time
●Deployment costs increase due to the requirements of new IT components and their licenses

In today's ecomonic challenges, businesses need to remain competitive, differentitate from their competition and reduce total costs. Investing in line of businees (LOB) solutions such as CRM, BI and ERP (Microsoft Dynamics) can result in increased to gain a competitive edge and support future growth. Midsize businesses need to reduce their total cost of ownership of their IT infrastructure to re-allocate that budget to LOB sollutions, services or just simply reduce the fixed costs such as IT.

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