Midmarket IT Pros are more familiar with EBS 2008 than Hyper-V in the U.S. and China. These midmarket IT Pros were interviewed as part of a Microsoft Dynamics study published internal to Microsoft in December 2008. These findings are decent, considering EBS's time in market, marketing budget & resources (Where are EBS robot ads?) and interest in virtualization. Since more than 1/3 of the IT Pros interviewed were outside of EBS's total addressable market, EBS would have surpassed Hyper-V and other Microsoft products in more geographies if IT Pros interviewed were limited to EBS's addressable market. While IT Pros may be familiar, this study did not measure IT Pros' perception of EBS, e.g. unique business value, Administration Console, lower total cost of ownership, increased productivity (IT Pro and end-user), 300-pages of best practices, etc.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Messaging Guidance and Analysis
If you are a Microsoft employee, I posted valuable EBS messaging information on my internal blog. A recent study in the U.S., U.K. and Germany verifies IT Pro pain points, but also includes an unexpected takeaway.
MS Partners may find some of this information valuable for business development, so if you are interested, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary. They should be able to provide you relevant, releasable information. If there is enough interest, I may provide worldwide partner information.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Windows Server 2008 in EBS. "Windows Server 2008 is everything that IT buyers asked for"
Windows Server 2008: Windows also rises
While Vista crashed and burned, Microsoft's new server OS became the upgrade Windows shops can't refuse
By Doug Dineley
December 26, 2008
"The advances beyond Windows Server 2003 seem too numerous to count."
Friday, December 26, 2008
IT investment in productivity lagging reductions in capital costs
In response to the economic indicators and/or loss of revenue, some companies first started cutting capital expenses, then operating expenses including employees. While budgets are reviewed constantly, budgets are typically reallocated upon reducing operating expenses to maintain productivity and revenue with reduced resources. Windows Essential Business Server (EBS) can assist businesses in both reducing capital costs by reducing server count, reducing operating expense (IT MRO), and increasing productivity of the IT staff and more importantly end-users. Trends in IT sales will be interesting over the next couple of months to see if there is an upsurge in investment following the unfortunate recent lay-offs. Hopefully, the market reads about our business value, including our customer evidence from around the world, and at least evaluates Windows EBS when reducing costs and increasing productivity. Microsoft subsidiaries around the world are gathering additional local evidence.
I have internally posted a presentation with relevant evidence that discuss how EBS can help your business significantly lower costs and increase productivity. This presentation speaks directly to the measurable business benefits of EBS, no fluff. If you are a Partner, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary for the presentation. If not, please contact your local partner and request the presentation.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Holidays
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Case Study released on 15DEC08
I understand many markets desire local case studies, but I suspect you can translate a majority of the business value across the world. The challenge for any market and business is to decide on the ROI for their specific market, their segment and individual business; however, the reduced costs and increase productivity should translate to any market. Microsoft subsidiaries are working on local case studies around the world.
Touchstone Behavioral Health is a nonprofit organization that provides a range of youth behavioral health services, including anger management, crisis intervention, psychiatric evaluations, support groups, and parenting classes. The Glendale, Arizona–based organization has six sites throughout Arizona and employs 180 people.
EBS provided the following benefits to Touchstone Behavioral Health:
- Core business value
- Up to 5,000 More Client Hours Annually
- New End-user Services
- Lower TCO
- IT Work Reduction of 30 Hours Weekly
- Lower Licensing and Energy Costs (Green IT)
- Enhanced Reliability and Security
- IT Infrastructure Supporting Growth
Read the details of the case study here.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Upgrade from SBS, Windows Server 2008 and Exchange 2007
Solutions Pathway provides additional discounts/credits for current SBS, Windows Server 2008 and Exchange 2007. If you are looking to lower your Total Cost of Ownership with EBS and/or expecting to outgrow the 75 limit user limit for SBS, check out the additional discounts you may qualify for. The site has a lot of information, possibly too much, so please contact your Microsoft partner with questions. Microsoft Partners have a different portal.
On a side note, some people want all EBS information available on the EBS site, I mean ALL, while others want an easy to read overview that provides them enough information to decide to investigate further with a Microsoft Partner. What do you think? Not enough information on www.microsoft.com/ebs? Too much? There is a survey to the right.
TCO & Productivity
I use to work at General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems modeling information systems reliability and lifecycle costs, hence TCO. The government recognizes from historical data and modeling that greater than 60% of the cost of systems (TCO) occurs following initial acquisition and deployment.
While lowering costs, most businesses want to ensure they maintain, or even increase, their competitive edge. This is a rough Venn diagram of customer quotes that include measurable, relevant results. The purple text are as a result of both lower TCO and increased productivity. Complete customer case studies are available here.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Is EBS on your holiday wish list?
Although this is my personal blog, I can't legally guarantee that EBS will save your company money and increase your company's productivity, so you will need to rely on the documented results of our EBS customers. Plus you wouldn't believe me anyway. Real-world results are far more convincing.
Friday, December 12, 2008
SBS on the CBS Early Show moved to 20DEC08
Thursday, December 11, 2008
SBS on CBS's Saturday Early Show this Saturday
SBS will be demonstrated on CBS's Saturday edition of the Early Show this Saturday as part of a "green initiative" story. EBS is delivers much greener ROI, more significant server consolidation and greater impact on mobile workers, i.e. working on the road or from home. EBS has stronger green customer evidence posted in this blog and could have used the coverage as a brand new product.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
EBS is a Solution with Technologies, Features and Business Value Only Found in EBS
While speaking to a Microsoft MVP, Gold Certified Partner yesterday at a meeting, I was hoping to gain his insight into the value EBS brings to his business and his customers. Instead he proceeded to talk about EBS as a bundled solution, and how he hasn't heard about the value EBS brings to him and his customers.
There was an interesting interview, The 'Buyology' Behind The Way We Shop, yesterday on Talk of the Nation, a NPR show. While the story referenced consumer products, Walter from Kansas City, one of the callers, was "overall offended by marketing", called marketing "legal lying", referred to marketing as manipulation, and mentioned regulation.
My goal is not so evil. I need to raise awareness of the Windows Essential Business Server and communicate its unique value, i.e. product differentiation, to midsize businesses and to the partners serving those businesses. Yes, EBS contains a bunch of Microsoft technology and products you can purchase separately, but it also contains technologies, features and measurable business value you cannot find outside of EBS:
- Unified Administration Console
- Server consolidation
- Over 300 pages of best practices out-of-the-box
- Simplified licensing for multiple technologies
- Competitively priced
I suspect the misperception that EBS is a discounted, bundled solution is due to market testing some EBS technologies and a price point a couple of years ago. As I have discussed with my peers in the past and studied in many business cases, you can have a great product, but if nobody is aware about the product and/or its value, then market adoption will be weak. Help me get the word out there.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Green IT & Lower Total Cost of Ownership
IBM's latest commercial on Green IT hits the mark on addressing both environmental and total cost of ownership. Whether you are concerned about the environment and energy dependence, lowering maintenance, repair & operations (MRO) costs, or all of the above, you want Green IT. Don't be fooled by Greenwashing though.
BusinessWeek discusses Green IT in this article. eWeek.com discusses 5 Steps to Green IT for infrastructure, including power consumption.
EBS 2008 helps you consolidate servers. Less servers, less energy to power the servers and cool your server room. EBS 2008 is not just hype on consolidation and Green IT.
“We were consuming about 12,000 to 14,000 BTUs [basic transmission unit] per hour in our data center, and we’ve reduced that to about 7,000 BTUs per hour by reducing our physical server count from 16 to 7. We’ve cut our power consumption in half.”
Tim Dreyling, Information Systems Manager, WASSER Studios
Read more about Five Ways to Reduce Data Center Server Power Consumption and how to make an impact, calculate your carbon footprint.
You need to start somewhere. EBS 2008 helps lower TCO throughout the product lifecycle.
While I can one conventional car from 1999, I drive a Prius and motorcycle. Unfortunately, the Prius doesn't have a lower TCO, but my past and present motorcycles have significantly lower TCO. I could be greener, but it's a start.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Financing EBS with Microsoft Finance Promotion
Are feeling the squeeze of the credit crunch? Are you looking to finance EBS, hardware, partner services and other Microsoft software, e.g. Dynamics CRM?
Microsoft is offering a SmartPay promotion. This promo provides no payments for the first 6 months of the term of the loan. Please read all the details and legal stuff here.
Microsoft Finance and this promotion are valid in:
- North America: US, Canada
- EMEA: UK, Germany, Spain, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland and Netherlands
- APAC: Korea, Australia, and New Zealand
- LATAM: Brazil
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Remote monitoring, management and reporting for EBS
An excerpt from the Level Platforms press release:
Level Platforms announces immediate delivery of comprehensive best practices monitoring and management for the next wave of Microsoft products for small and midsize businesses.
Level Platforms Partners can now deploy comprehensive remote monitoring, management and reporting for SBS 2008 and EBS 2008 in minutes by downloading and applying the new integrated suite of Policy Modules. These powerful new Solution Kits are available for both On Premise as well as Hosted versions of the award-winning Managed Workplace software.
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 Planning and Preparation Tool is FREE
The Preparation Wizard scans the existing network environment for any potential health issues to assure a proper and valid setup of Windows Essential Business Server. The tool runs about 100 environment checks and provides data and documentation links to address the issues found.
The Windows Essential Business Server Preparation and Planning Wizards are FREE! While I hope you will want to install EBS for all of the value I blogged about and knowing that more than just these best practices are included with EBS, you can download the wizards and check your environment even if you do not install EBS. Our latest TAP customer had a very robust system with the latest Microsoft technologies, e.g., System Center Essentials, Dynamics AX 2009, Windows Server 2008, etc., supported by a partner. The preparation wizard identified issues carried forward from their Windows NT days. The customer always wondered why some email accounts took a bit longer to process email and discovered some Active Directory issues which were not obvious. The preparation wizards not only identifies issues, but identifies the Microsoft Knowledge Based Article for that issue.
- Preparation Wizard Run the Preparation Wizard to scan your network environment and identify issues that you need to correct to be able to deploy Windows EBS.
- Planning Wizard After you complete the Preparation Wizard, run the Planning Wizard to collect information about the network settings that you will need to install Windows EBS.
The Preparation Wizard scans and verifies the following:
- Configuration of sites in Active Directory
- Configuration of subnets in Active Directory
- Replication of Active Directory
- Replication of the file system and administration of the SYSVOL shared folders
- Name resolution by DNS
- Configuration of the network adapters of all servers in the network
- Health of the domain controllers
- Configuration of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) for all domain controllers
- Configuration of Exchange Server
- Configuration of the network
- Entries in the Event Log that could indicate installation issues
- Readiness of the environment to install Windows EBS
The Windows Essential Business Server Preparation and Planning Wizards is on the download center. It may be access from the Product Documentation page under Technical Resources on microsoft.com/ebs. Just click TechNet TechCenter: Windows Essential Business Server 2008 then under Featured Resources click on Download and run the Windows Essential Business Server 2008 Planning and Preparation Tool.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Independent Software Vendors supporting EBS
Links updated
- Trend Micro Inc. Latest Version of Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Protects Windows Essential Server Solutions
- SonicWALL Announces Security Solutions for Windows Essential Business Server and Windows Small Business Server
- Mimosa Systems Gears Up for Big Opportunities With Windows Essential Business Server 2008
- N-able Technologies Announces Leading Edge Microsoft Server System Support, Adds Essential Business Server 2008 Integration with N-central 6.7
- Objectworld Announces Support for Windows Small Business Server 2008 and Windows Essential Business Server 2008
- CA ARCserve Backup Delivers Day One Support for Microsoft's Windows Essential Business Server 2008 EBS
- Calyptix Eliminates Security Complexities with Windows Small Business Server and Essential Business Server 2008
- ScriptLogic Delivers Support for SMB-Focused Windows Essential Server Solutions
- FullArmor Adds Support for Windows Essential Business Server and Windows Small Business Server
Microsoft Dynamics Add-in for EBS released at Convergence
- Displays server information, user information, and batch information.
- Tasks launch to specific Microsoft Dynamics AX user interface

Download at AX Customer Source & Partner Source.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Heading back home from Convergence EMEA
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The value of EBS promoted during Partner Day and Customer Keynote at Convergence EMEA

EBS + Dynamics at Convergence EMEA

Friday, November 14, 2008
NETWORLD article
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I interviewed David Fabritius, Technical Product Manager for EBS and SBS
EBS Team answering Questions at the Virtual Tradeshow
468 attendees currently at the Virtual Tradeshow
Behind the scenes just prior to the live webcast
Nick and Chris behind the scenes prior to the live webcast.
Value of EBS with Microsoft Dynamics

●Lower infrastructure TCO
●Reallocate budget toward services and line of business (LOB) applications, such as Microsoft Dynamics
●Focus on core business application strategy
●Increased productivity with add-in to Administrative Console
“The combination of Windows Essential Business Server and the new Microsoft Dynamics Administration Console Add-In for Windows Essential Business Server enables our clients’ infrastructure to grow without constraint so they can focus on their business.”
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Launch day has arrived!!!
This is my first video for the blog, definitely not rehearsed. My videos can only get better, I promise. :)
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 trial software is available

- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Russian
- Spanish
Lower your IT infrastructure TCO

“Our administrative workload is one-tenth of what it was before. This is the largest step forward, in terms of our ability to focus on real business needs, that we have ever seen.” - Sumeeth Evans, Director of IT, Collegiate Housing Services
Monday, November 10, 2008
EBS and Windows Mobile Offers
Get immersed with the launch of EBS at the Windows Essential Server Solutions Virtual Tradeshow that includes both Webcasts and Exhibits
On November 12th, Microsoft and its premier partners are launching Windows Essential Server Solutions, a new family of integrated server solutions that address the unique needs of small and midsize businesses (SMBs). During times of stationary or shrinking budgets and economic uncertainty, minimizing the redundancies and optimizing parts in your IT infrastructure can help control costs and raise productivity. With the unique challenges firms face upgrading and maintaining their IT infrastructure, smart organizations are re-evaluating their plans and expenditures and investing wisely.
This one-day event is the official launch for Windows Essential Server Solutions, which includes Windows Small Business Server 2008 and Windows Essential Business Server 2008. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and other Microsoft executives will introduce these new products and will be joined by Mark Minasi, an independent expert and best-selling author.
Mr. Minasi, along with Microsoft executives and partners, will review the new features, functions and strategies which will help you get the most value from your existing and future technology investments. Major announcements, plus the ability to interact with Microsoft and its partners, make this a must-attend event for SMB technology and business managers as well as IT consultants and partners.
Server Consolidation, hence Green IT, with EBS
Do you have any environmental concerns or a Green IT initiative?
“We were consuming about 12,000 to 14,000 BTUs [basic transmission unit] per hour in our data center, and we’ve reduced that to about 7,000 BTUs per hour by reducing our physical server count from 16 to 7. We’ve cut our power consumption in half.” - Tim Dreyling, Information Systems Manager, WASSER Studios

First wave of languages were Released To Manufacturing
- German
- French
- Italian
- Spanish
- Japanese
- Russian (Standard edition only)
Please note the link should auto-direct to the locale setting in your IE.
Lee Company has experience with various economic conditions and stages of growth over its 64-year history
Bill Lee will be interviewed during the live webcast for the Windows Essential Server Solutions Launch Event. He will speak about the challenges of small and midsize businesses in today's economy. His company has experience with various economic conditions and stages of growth over its 64-year history.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
How can you extend the value of EBS to line of business applications that are core to your business operations?
Today's economics uncertainty is causing many buiness to examine the total costs with a microscope, including the fixed cost from IT, and make tough decisions on remaining competitive. Business are also continuing evaluate how can increase productivity while reducing costs.
Help lower the total cost of ownership of both your infrastruture and line of business applications with Add-ins to the Administration Console. Add-ins from Microsoft and independent software vendors extend the unified view in the Administration Console, hence the opportunity to extend lowering TCO and increase productivity.
“Windows Essential Business Server enables us to integrate our line-of-business applications—our accounting system, revenue management system, and help desk system. This integration will result in significant cost savings and efficiency gains.” - Paul Champane, IT Manager, Air Botswana
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Windows Mobile and Remote Web Workplace
“Windows Essential Business Server has enabled us to go from 15 percent of our workforce with mobile devices to 100 percent.” - Sumeeth Evans, Director of IT, Collegiate Housing Services
“As a very conservative estimate, I would say 75 remote employees, each saving 15 minutes per week, at $35 per hour—that’s $30,000 per year saved.” - Tom Goddard, Director of Information Technology, Lee Company
This post is a continues my series of posts discussing the business value of Windows EBS. We understand that business decision makers and IT Professionals need measurable business value in addition to the unique product features included in EBS.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Construction Firm Improves Productivity, Capability with EBS
- Heating, cooling, plumbing, construction, and facilities maintenance services to businesses and homeowners
- Family owned since 1944
- HQ in Franklin, Tennessee
- 550 Employees with 225 devices
- Microsoft Dynamics SL customer
Results and Benefits:
- Foundation for new business capabilities
- Higher staff productivity
- Enhanced competitiveness
- Lower costs from reducing 12 servers to 4 and saving U.S.$15,000 in software licensing
Monday, November 3, 2008
Windows EBS Competitively Priced
“Just the upfront cost savings from Windows Essential Business Server are significant. The combined licenses will help us reduce our license cost by 30 percent – down from $40,000 to $28,000.” - Paul Champane, IT Manager, Air Botswana (160 users)
Friday, October 31, 2008
EBS Team Blog
Administration Console effecting your bottom line
“We do a lot less logging into systems and client-side visits. We’ve reduced this effort by 70 percent, which is a huge savings. Instead of three people covering this, we’ve reduced it to two people.” - Sumeeth Evans, Director of IT, Collegiate Housing Services
“Our administrative workload is one-tenth of what it was before. This is the largest step forward, in terms of our ability to focus on real business needs, that we have ever seen.” - Sumeeth Evans, Director of IT, Collegiate Housing Services
Thursday, October 30, 2008
EBS business value in today's economic times
“Just the upfront cost savings from Windows Essential Business Server are significant. The combined licenses will help us reduce our license cost by 30 percent – down from $40,000 to $28,000.”
- Paul Champane, IT Manager, Air Botswana
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Streamlined Deployment
Paul Champane, IT Manager, Air Botswana
Air Botswana is the national airline with 160 users.
“Windows Essential Business Server is the best solution to our problems, and it fits a business of our size well.”
– Paul Champane, IT Manager, Air Botswana
Lee Company is a US midsize business with 550 emplyees using 225 devices. Lee Company is also a Microsoft Dynamics SL customer.
“We couldn’t have tackled these new projects without first freeing our IT staff and implementing a more sophisticated, easily managed technology infrastructure.”
- Tom Goddard, Director of Information Technology, Lee Company
“We knew we needed to upgrade out messaging infrastructure, our server operating system, our connectivity, and our remote services. Windows Essential Business Server not only brings all of that together in one efficient package, but it allowed us to accomplish our infrastructure upgrade at least three months faster than if we had to upgrade all the components individually.”
- Tom Goddard, Director of Information Technology, Lee Company
Monday, October 27, 2008
Virtualize EBS with the free Hyper-V stand alone version
Virtualize EBS with the FREE Hyper-V stand-alone version.
Now that Microsoft Hyper-V Server has been released and is freely available on the web, let’s remove the DRM and recap exactly what Microsoft Hyper-V Server is. There is still some confusion out there so let’s recap.
Don’t be confused, Microsoft Hyper-V Server and Windows Server 2008 w/ Hyper-V are separate products. The final version of Hyper-V as part of Windows Server 2008 was released a few months back. However, Microsoft Hyper-V Server was just released to web yesterday.
The following is a consolidated overview of Microsoft Hyper-V Server that was originally included in a series of announcements.
Microsoft Hyper-V Server Overview
Microsoft Hyper-V Server is a bare metal virtualization platform that includes the same Hyper-V virtualization Technology that is included in Windows Server 2008. However, Microsoft Hyper-V Server is not branded Windows. It’s official name is Microsoft Hyper-V Server.
Though Microsoft Hyper-V Server is not a Windows product, it does share some things in common with Windows Server 2008 with the Hyper-V role enabled including a common kernel, Windows drivers, and the Windows update mechanism.
Winwdows EBS Deisgned for Midsize Businesses

Designed for midsize businesses
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 takes the guesswork
out of selecting software for your network. EBS 2008
brings together the Microsoft product technologies that
midsized businesses need most into a single solution with
additional features and capabilities unique to EBS 2008.
These technologies are integrated into one product making
EBS 2008 easy for you to install and manage.
Designed with best practices and industry standards,
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 simplifies your
IT environment and reduces the complexity of implementing
and managing disparate software applications.
Can you relate to this common midsize business IT infrastructure?
Tom Goddard, Director of Information Technology, Lee Company
Different Components:
●Email Servers
●Exchange 2000, 2003, 2007
●SMTP Servers
●Name Servers
●AD 2000, 2003, 2008
●ISA 2003, 2006
●Cisco PIX, Sonicwall
●OS, Print & Share
●Windows Server® 2000, 2003, 2008
Today’s Challenge
●Rolling out Microsoft Dynamics CRM or ERP to your organization requires modifications to your existing infrastructure
●Existing environment has different versions of IT component prerequisites
●Achieving interoperability between new IT components require integration and time
●Deployment costs increase due to the requirements of new IT components and their licenses
In today's ecomonic challenges, businesses need to remain competitive, differentitate from their competition and reduce total costs. Investing in line of businees (LOB) solutions such as CRM, BI and ERP (Microsoft Dynamics) can result in increased to gain a competitive edge and support future growth. Midsize businesses need to reduce their total cost of ownership of their IT infrastructure to re-allocate that budget to LOB sollutions, services or just simply reduce the fixed costs such as IT.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Security subscriptions for EBS
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 includes one-year trial subscriptions for Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server and Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Edition.
As these trials end, find out how you can renew your subscriptions.
Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server
Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server includes multiple scan engines from industry-leading security firms integrated into a single solution to help businesses protect their Exchange Server messaging environments from viruses, worms, and spam.
Estimated price per subscription*
US$15.00 per user, per year
Customers can license Forefront Security for Exchange Server as part of the following Microsoft licensing programs:
Open Value
Open Value Subscriptions
Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Edition
Forefront Threat Management Gateway Medium Business Edition, a critical security component of Windows Essential Business Server, is a comprehensive and integrated Edge security gateway that provides protection from multiple Internet-based threats, secure connectivity, and simplified management for small to medium-size organizations.
Estimated price per subscription*
US$8.00 per user, per year
To renew, contact your Microsoft Partner or Microsoft Small Business Specialist.
Customers can license Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Edition as part of the following Microsoft licensing programs:
Open Value
Open Value Subscriptions
To renew, contact your Microsoft Partner or Microsoft Small Business Specialist.
* All prices reflect estimated retail pricing for license purchases within the United States and are in U.S. dollars. Pricing and licensing information is provided here for planning purposes only, and is subject to change. Reseller is responsible for setting prices.
Security in EBS
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Windows EBS Experts from HQ will be at Tech-Ed IT Pro in Barcelona
The following HQ representatives will be there:
Gary Purchase, EBS Dev Lead
Nick King, SBS & EBS Technical Product Manager
Chris Grillone (me), EBS Product Manager
There are two EBS sessions:
- Windows Essential Server Solutions
Windows Essential Server Solutions is a new product family created to develop targeted solutions for Small and Midsize businesses. Come and hear several scenarios explained in this interactive session. We'll be covering topics from Virtualization to Branch Office deployments as well as migration techniques.
- Windows Essential Business Server 2008 deep-dive
An in-depth look at the new Windows Essential Business Server 2008. Designed for Mid-size organizations of under 300 seats. We'll look at the new three and four server set-up in the Standard and Premium editions, go deep into the management console and demonstrate how to migrate to EBS 2008 from existing networks.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) with EBS
Please learn more about how you can help the environment, while lowering your TCO with Windows Server 2008.
White Paper
Microsoft's Environmental site.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Live Webcast and Virtual Launch Event

The live webcast will feature a midsize EBS customer and the following Microsoft Executives:
- Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft Corp.
- Steve Guggenheimer, Corporate VP, Original Equipment Manufacturer Division
- Michael Risse, VP, Worldwide Small and Midmarket Business Group
- Steven VanRoekel, Sr. Director, Windows Server Solutions Group
- Mark Minasi, Best-selling author, MVP, and self-proclaimed alpha-geek will present "7 Tips that IT can use During the Economic Downturn.”
- Business and Technical Sessions
- Channel Partner Session
- Exihibt hall with the following companies: AMD, CA, Citrix Systems, Dell, HP, IBM, Intel, Lenovo, SUN Microsystems, Inc., Symantec, Trend Micro, Microsoft Windows Mobile, Microsoft Windows Essential Server Solutions, and Microsoft Dynamics
You can view the live webcast at http://www.thedreamserver.com/ without registering, but you will not be able to enter the virtual launch event.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Win a free server solution (EBS or SBS)